
Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru

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Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru

Untuk membuat wapsite di http://wen.ru (Tidak bisa di buka lewat IE pada PC dan browser PC tertentu , tapi berjalan lancar pada browser ponsel ) apa saja peralatan yang di butuhkan ?;
1. Hape / Ponsel yang mempunyai applikasi Browser ( internet ) tentu saja yang sudah aktif (GPRS). Atau pake PC lebih oke.
2. Pulsa yang cukup ( untuk biaya GPRS ).
3. Alamat email yang masih aktif.
4. Sedikit pengetahuan tentang bahasa program wml, xhtml, html ( yang akan kita pelajari ).
Nah sebelum melanjutkan ada baiknya kita harus mengetahui dulu isi perjanjian membuat wapsite di http://wen.ru

Using service agreement of WAP-builder WEN.RU.

1. WEN.RU administration is not responsible for the content of files and pages, which are placed on sites of the builder or in its services.
2. WEN.RU administration doesn't censor site content before placing it into Internet. Check is performed only after reception of the complaint to a definite site. If the complaint is valid, the site can be fully removed.
3. Having registered a site, the user becomes its owner and is fully responsible for all the actions made under his/her login, password, and also with use of a his/her secret code for uploading files on a site and his/her temporary unique session identifier.
4. Site owner is obliged not to use WEN.RU service in a way that is against the Russian and Ukrainian legislation and/or international laws.
5. WEN.RU administration is not responsible for the infringements within the Internet, for any messages with mentioning of WEN.RU site(s) which are sent by any internet users and also not responsible for any damages or its consequences, caused by WEN.RU user's site.
6. Site owner is fully responsible for any kind of information placed by him/her or third parties on his/her site(s) and at his/her site services.
7. WEN.RU is not responsible for any possible faults in granting services and also for loss of any user information on a server. WEN.RU administration is also not responsible in any way for any for possible indirect damage that includes, but does not limited by the following: a full or partial suspension of activity, loss of the income, profit or reputation.
8. WEN.RU administration is not responsible vis-a-vis the third parties for breaking their copyrights at any way. Site owner agrees not to use materials of the third parties without their permission and in case of its usage is ready to answer for usage of such materials to their owners.
9. Sites, that contain child porn or any kind of it's propagation (even texts and links hinting on it, etc.) and also sites created for spam, flud and hacking (getting logins, passwords, credit card numbers, money etc.) or contain programs wich created for it and descriptions of the ways of performing such actions or any other kind of financial fraud are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN . Sites, that are built in order to swindle users by using content-providers special price-numbers and sites, containing pages with false information about services given by concrete number and the specified code, which needs to be sent in SMS on this number, are strictly forbidden as well. It is forbidden tospecify the incorrect price on SMS or not to specify it at all, to distribute programs created or used for roguish actions and sending SMS on special price- numbers without the consent of the user, with incorrect price or without the information about the price at all, sending more than one SMS at a time, containing false information about the purpose of sending SMS.
Infringement of these requirements leads to deleting of trespasser site without any previous warning and irrevocably. Information about its owner can be transferred to the law enforcement bodies in order to open a criminal case.
10. It is forbidden to propagate fascism, to kindle an interethnic and interreligious dissension or to offend any persons in any way. Sites of terrorist and radical subjects or containing ways of manufacturing of drugs and explosives are forbidden. Sites containing viruses and nocuous software, zoophily, necrophily, financial frauds and financial pyramids, confidential information or causing system failures are forbidden.
11. In order to suppress illegal actions, and/or in case of violation of the given agreement by the owner of a site, a WEN.RU administration reserves the right to block and delete sites-infringers. WEN.RU administration is also opened for cooperation with law enforcement bodies and, by official inquiry, is ready to give all the available information about persons, who participated in creation of a site and placing of the illegal information or files on it.
12 . Site can be deleted automatically and without any previous warning in case when its owner haven't used its online-editor or FTP connection for 45 days or there wasn't at least one visitor at a site during 7 days. Considering that visits are counting according to inner WEN.RU statistics, inner counters should be placed at visited pages of a site.
13. Site owner (man or woman, who registered a site) agrees to relieve WEN.RU administration of the responsibility under claims of the third parties and the law enforcement bodies directed to the site owner.
14. WEN.RU administration has the right to place on your site pages the advertising information, which allows this free-of-charge project to exist.
15. WEN.RU have the right to change text of given agreement and is obliged to notify users about changes on page http://wen.ru/?news
16. By placing his/her site on WEN.RU, user confirms acceptance of the given Agreement in full and without any exceptions.

Dari semua persetujuan di atas saya hanya menyoroti perjanjian yang no 12 yaitu
12 . Situs dapat dihapus secara otomatis dan tanpa peringatan sebelumnya dalam kasus ketika pemiliknya (yang punya akun / wap ) tidak pernah menggunakan nya ( meng EDIT ) lewat online-editor atau koneksi FTP selama 45 hari atau tidak ada di sedikitnya 1 (satu ) pengunjung di sebuah situs selama 7 hari. Mengingat Kunjungan menghitung menurut WEN.RU menggunakan otomatis statistik, otomatis counters harus ditempatkan pada halaman situs (paling bawah ).
Nah pada umumnya pengguna / pembuat wap di wen.ru tidak memperhatikan agrement itu, sehingga sudah cape cape membuat wap, Eh WAP NYA KE HAPUS SYSTEM ! cape deh , , , ? ?
setelah mengetahui nya , mari kita lanjutkan tutorialnya ! Di lain page ( halaman ) posting selanjutnya ya ? Karena sudah terlalu panjang , nanti malah males membacanya , , , see u u u di posting selanjutnya

Demikian catatan saya tentang Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru

Catatan Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru, semoga dapat memberikan manfaat.

Anda sedang membaca catatan Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru dan catatan ini url permalinknya adalah https://sgenk.blogspot.com/2010/01/tutorial-membuat-wapsite-di-wenru.html Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.

4 Responses to "Tutorial membuat wapsite di wen.ru"

  1. Punyaku aja musnah T.T padahal udah berkorban pulsa, waktu, pikiran dll. Mending ngurus blog aja dech ah :) selalu mendampingiku.

    Mas Sugeng komentar dunk di posting aq ya :D udah lama ni

  2. Ok dah, nanti gw posting cara mengakali biar ga kedelete

  3. Mas Sugenk bagi-bagi pengalaman mas daftar kuliah ya :) aq bentar lagi insyaAllah tamat SMA. Q masih banyak ragu daftar kuliah dimana yg cocok untuk yg khusus mempelajari komputer

  4. Setahu saya kalau jurusan tentang komputer, Tinggal menyesuaikan keinginan kamu. Kalau tentang program ( software ) sebaiknya masuk MI (D3) atau SI (S1). Nah kalau tentang Hardware bisa masuk ke Tehnik komputer ( TI ), tapi mungkin dua duanya juga di pelajari. Coz aku juga belum terlalu mengerti tentang dunia perkuliahan, gw masih baru masuk juga.


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